Christmas Eve

John and I were talking about bread to go with our Beef Wellington this morning and, spurred on by the thought of their delicious cardamon rolls, decided to go to the Village Bakery and get some along with bread for dinner. We arrived there at 8am where a queue stretched out the door. Everyone seemed to be in good spirits, even John who ordinarily bolts at the slightest sign of a crowd.  We waited patiently until we got inside the door and realized they would sell out of cardamon rolls by the time we reached the head of the queue, so we left.

The Village Bakery kitchen was flooded last February when the Barlow in Sebastopol was inundated by torrential rain. They opened their new kitchen/bakery/restaurant in Santa Rosa just a few months ago, and it is nice to see them doing so well. They need to make more cardamon rolls though....

Oliver's was a madhouse, but they cope well with crowds with plenty of friendly checkers and baggers. A temporary tent was set up outside the front of the store where people could pick up their Christmas Eve crab. We made a beeline to the bread counter where they were running out of our favorite kind, so we decided on rolls. John joined a queue made up exclusively of husbands waiting with one or two last minute items. I guess he's not the only one who sometimes goes to the store twice a day. 

I liked the troll hats on some Paradise Ridge Winery wine bottles on display near the checkout counter. Paradise Ridge  in Fountaingrove was the only winery in Sonoma county that burned down in the 2017 Tubbs fire. I noticed in the paper that they just opened their new rebuilt tasting room. There is a fabulous view from there  across the Laguna to Sebastopol. 

My thoughts are with all those who are affected by the terrible bush fires in Australia. I told Blipper Walking Wombat that I am not a religious person, but I am making an exception and praying, not only for her, but so many other people affected by these unprecedented fires and for the  'firies' who are fighting so heroically. I know exactly what they are going through.

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