Inside Looking Up

We took our afternoon walk today round the fields on the far side of the wood. two reasons for this: no sheep so Rona can get a run, and the woodland paths are iced over and a bit dodgy.
I have often, (i.e. occasionally,) wondered what a pylon looks like from inside the base. So, as there is one conveniently positioned on the far side of one of the fields, here you are. I should advise that no attempt was made to touch the structure, never mind climb it! It also occurrs to me that this might have been blipped long ago because we seem to live in or near Pylon Central! I remember standing at the edge of the wood one day during the summer and counting well over thirty pylons all within a 180 degree sweep. Glad I don't have to paint them! And they will soon be building a line of "Super-Pylons" right down through some of the scenic-est parts of Scotland - the Philistines!

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