ChristmaSki Day 3

After an amazing breakfast were the lads went to the bakery again, we headed down to the bus stop to get the bus to a local nursery slope but sadly is was closed until tomorrow when the season officially starts so we all chucked snowballs at each other (I got one directly in the face!) for a while until we found out where else we could go.

We then arranged the chalet taxi (so expensive but hassle free!) to another resort in Chamonix called Les Planards  that had 2 nursery slopes for the Virgins to practise on.

Sadly Josh fell off the drag lift twice, straight away which really upset him and put him off for a couple of hours. Mr W didn't like it so ditched the ski's and headed for the bar for the afternoon.

Emily was fabulous and totally nailed it without the fear of falling off a cliff and Sam enjoyed GoPro'ing everyone!! Sophie was then able to get Josh on the very nursery slope where he too nailed it and managed to conquer his fear of the drag lift and get back on it!!! 

I took some time at the top of the slope with my  big boy camera to get some lovely shots of the kids while it snowed. Yesterdays little camera failed miserably so binned most of those shots.

Once we had all finished and came to the end of our 4 hour pass, we walked into Chamonix to get the bus. That was tough. Ski boots are torture and ski's are heavy! The bus was rammed but we eventually made it back (while Josh went to the gym!!) and had Pizza for dinner and the children played monopoly until we had a power cut!!!

The evening internet is a bit hit and miss so apologies for lack of comments but I'm a tad busy at the moment!!!! But also very happy to have my precious family with me for so long at this special time of year. 


Today's blip is Emily as she headed off down the slop with a big fat smile on her face!!!

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