Just in case....

Just in case I die in the night from a cough, or lack of sleep, or snoring...heres my contribution to the great Blippish Bake Off hosted by Jazzy B.

Im fast running out of time and energy. The Christmas Lurgy has finally caught up with me and if coughing all night and Mr W getting up for work at 4,30 wasn't bad enough, he had taken the phone off the stand as the light was too bright for him to sleep... except it then started beeping due to low battery at 6.30 and woke me up just as I had managed to drop off to sleep!!!

 I then had a full days work listening to a childs' electric guitar and remote control car before coming home and realising I needed to get the cake Marzipanned!!! 

And now I need to finish of the croche'd 'item' Mr W asked for while he's out on a lads only night!!! I just to try and remember how long he needs it or do I just take the average length!!!!!!!!

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