Winter Solstice

Today is a special day, it is the winter solstice and it is three years since we lost Mum.  I've had some very kind messages from family and we have all done our own special things to remember Mum and celebrate her life and the inspiration for life that she has given to us.

At lunchtime I decided to pop out to one of the local charity shops and came home via the wonderful Tuppenny Barn so I could visit their shop.  It is such a treat - the shop is filled with vegetables, herbs, and other produce grown in their gardens.  Its the kind of place that gets me very excited! I bought this willow heart for our front door, a floral Christmas decoration for the dining table and a globe artichoke plant for my allotment - I couldn't resist it after our blip discussions about globe artichokes!

So, it is starting to feel more Christmassy here at Number 11 - although Merlin has eaten two of the Christmas cards I put up and insists on knocking the others over at regular intervals - what a great game to play!

Wishing you all a peaceful evening.

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