Sgwarnog: In the Field

By sgwarnog

Three Spires

three spires
in the city

We seem to have had our first light snow fall of the winter, which by the time I came to tackle the walk down to the station had been followed by rain and then frozen again, leading to the treacherous conditions that @PaulFS described more eloquently earlier.

Unusually, I was heading into Leeds today, which despite just being a dozen miles away I seem only to visit a couple of times a year. This image is taken from the steps of one of the city's landmark structures, the art deco Parkinson Building. I think this was the first time I'd been inside it, although I can see its campanile from our house very clearly on the skyline .

I don't know Leeds well enough to know the three spires receding into the distance, although I expect a bit of investigation will inform me. Or the Leeds blippers may save me the trouble.

Later, it was back home for a Friends of Baildon Moor meeting and an even rarer occurrence, a post meeting visit to a pub.

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