Selective Sunshine

Woke up with snow on the hills, and remained a cold day.  A chilly breeze and more wintery showers throughout the day.  A calm evening, and more snow expected. 

I've been working in the museum office today, and working through photos.  The usual dash to work in the pub after tea.  I've had a busy evening putting up the pub Christmas decorations, still not finished, so I'll finish it off tomorrow.  Walkies with Sammy after work, fetched in some peats, and now feet are up by the fire.

I had an hour to claim back from last week, and had a longer lunch today.  I had a quick run up north, as I knew the snow would still be settled on Ronas hill, and it was.  There was some lovely bright sunny spells all the way north, but as I approached, wintery showers and clouds came over.  The sun still managed to sneak through onto the hill, but the sea and snow capped hill left in darkness.  Looking across to Ronas hill, taken from Heylor.  

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