Picture Postcard Purty

My Dear Fellows & Dear Princess,

We left Nelson pretty early today, but it was long enough to sit around for an hour or so over coffee. Tui dog joined us, and plopped her head onto OC's lap, tail thumping as we chatted.

I wish I could tell you it was intellectual chat. However I seem to recall we pretty quickly drifted onto Feef's dog Tiggy and his anal glands* and a little fluffy dachshund who has a big fluffy willy that drags on the carpet.

We're intellectuals.

Then we headed home. The weather for this weekend has been predicted as dire, but in fact it was a glorious day as we flew into Wellington. Cazza gave me the window seat so I took the opportunity to get some touristy pictures as we came in to land.

We got petulant meows from the cats on arrival. Pissy with us because a) we had left them alone and b) we had spent time with a DOG. However I believe we have now been forgiven. 

I've done very little since then. There have been a few naps going on. And as the first truly hot day of this summer so far, we have 3 fans currently whirring in the living room, as well as the EvaPolar.


* The unfortunate vet got it right in the eye. This is why vets charge so much.

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