The Princess and the Dog

By Princessnthedog

Well Earned Five Stars

Dear O'H dear and Lovely Tea Jenny,

The Youngest Mini Princess had her last Nerdfest (Maths Masterclass) class today. Parents were invited along after the class for a short presentation followed by a buffet. We were helpfully ushered around by people wearing t-shirts printed with ‘Maths Outreach Team’.

Does the Maths Outreach Team respond to people in mathematical crisis? Do they rush in and apply an emergency Pythagoras just in the nick of time?

The Prince looked around and commented that we were officially surrounded by geeks. I did remind him that he was saying that to someone who studied maths and then went to work in IT.

‘Yeah but at least you have some social skills’, said The Eldest Mini Princess.

I told her that that may be the nicest thing she has ever said to me!

Biker Chick came round in the evening. Out night started sensibly. We ordered curry and had a couple of drinks. At about 10 pm, The Prince returned from an afternoon of watching rugby with friends.

The first indication that he may have had a few extra ‘lemonades’ was when he came in with a finger over his mouth and said ‘Sshhhh’. He had obviously decided that if he didn’t speak, we wouldn’t notice!

When he did speak, he was quite concerned...

‘I can’t rate my Uber driver’

Me: Why not?

TP: I just can’t

Me: Why?

TP: Because I was asleep the whole way home.

We set his mind at ease by saying that he could award the driver 5 stars for waking him up*.

He sat up for an hour entertaining us. The Prince is a very amusing drunk.

His chat put us in the party mood which meant we stayed up until 2.30 am. Biker Chick thought it was time for a taxi when she could see two of me!


*Particularly when he explained that the Uber had stopped one street away and that he had been very confused. ‘I can’t see my house’, he plaintively told the poor driver.

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