The Princess and the Dog

By Princessnthedog

Marked Card

Dear O'H dear and Lovely Tea Jenny,

The Eldest Mini Princess and I went to buy birthday cards today and I decided to buy the ‘special’ Christmas cards while I was there.

‘Special’ cards are a HUGE deal to Mary Doll. You know those Hallmark type cards with loads of words that everyone takes the p1ss out of? She LOVES them!

The Bro and I have turned it into a game. A couple of years ago, I ran home with the trophy. Not only did the card have lots of words, it had actual lights on Santa’s sleigh. The Bro won last year by buying a big padded number in a box, although he had a lot to make up for after accidentally giving her a ‘Happy Birthday’ card on Mother’s day!

But this year; I found the ultimate card. It has SEVEN PAGES with so many words that I’m surprised it hasn’t been reclassified as a book. There was even a sticker on the front which says ‘Extra special words inside’!

The other option was to get the To Dad and his partner’ card but it’s not worth taking that kind of risk at Christmas!


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