The Princess and the Dog

By Princessnthedog

Exploring Feelings

Dear O'H dear and Lovely Tea Jenny,

This morning, I took The Explorer up to have her dressing changed. She fainted when they discovered the infection earlier in the week at the hospital and I volunteered to waft smelling salts under her nose if it happened again.

She had to lie down on the bed and I was instructed to sit in the chair at the bottom of the bed. Right at her feet. I will admit to being slightly nervous when they unwrapped her foot and I was very grateful for my lack of sense of smell. The Explorer couldn’t look as she has a complete phobia about feet. She HATES them.

The nurse popped out of the room to get some cream and The Explorer anxiously asked if she had troll feet. I supportively snorted with laughter and told her I particularly liked the stripe of leg hair that she couldn’t reach below the bandages and that hobbits everywhere would be proud to have her feet.

This gave both of us a fit of the giggles. As we left, the lovely nurse earnestly explained to The Explorer that there is research which indicates that keeping a ‘feelings diary’ actually speeds up wound healing. The Explorer proudly told her that she is already keeping a diary.

‘Thank God for that’, I muttered ‘or this recovery would’ve taken years’. This started both of us giggling again. Weirdly, it was a very funny morning. She has had such a crap time recently so it was nice to see her laughing.

In the evening, I went out with 3 ex colleagues for dinner in The Westroom. After the inevitable work chat, it descended into the usual piss taking banter and was a very funny night. I felt very pleased with myself for only having 4 Gins over the whole night. No hangover for me in the morning!


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