A Manly Wave (Of The Hair), Brighton

First of my days off and it was down to Brighton. We stopped on the way down for an alcoholic beverage at the rather wonderfully named pub The Crow & Gate.
When we got down to the city itself it was incredibly windy, especially on the seafront. We booked into our hotel and found we had been given a huge room, with a bathroom that was so large it had two doors! Today's main shot captures the strength of the wind and I really liked how the wave mirrored the man's hair blowing in the hooley!
Brighton is such a fantastic place to take photographs so all the extras just seemed to fall into place. In the evening we decided to go to our favourite pub (The Robin Hood) for pizza and beer and it was as good as ever. On the way back to the hotel in Kempton we got caught in a torrential hailstorm and had to find shelter in a doorway - we still got  completely soaked through, though. Brighton should also be known as an habitual umbrella destroyer and true to form both me and my brother had our umbrellas completely knackered. All part of the fun of being at the British seaside!

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