A confused genius

By Lez11


At work today someone mentioned that they would never live or ever lived in tower block in a derogatory way. I mentioned that I was bought up in a tower block on a rough council estate until I was about 10. I didn't mean to but it made her feel really awkward about what she said.

I know I shouldn't, but Charity is starting to get on my nerves. I walk through Birmingham on my lunch most days and I feel like I'm "running the gauntlet" from gladiators trying to avoid people collecting for charities. I must get stopped at least 5 times a day. To make matters worse I popped round my moms tonight to drop my sisters birthday card off and there was a knock at the door. I answered it and it was somebody collecting for charity. I understand charities are reliant on donations but if they keep playing hardball by forcing it down people's throats it with have the adverse reaction and people will stop donating.

People generally donate to charities that is close to their hearts, mine is the stoke association as both my nans have had strokes.

Round my moms my neice Emily and Stella the family dog were playing with each other on the floor (pic). I swear they must think they are sisters!

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