A confused genius

By Lez11

mixed kebab and chips with curry sauce all washed

My car was frosted over this morning so I opened my boot to get the de-icer out and I couldn't shut my boot. I spent 15mins fixing the bloody thing. Even when I finally got back from work the boot was still nackered so I spent another 15mins in -1.5 degree temperature fixing it again.

It has been the most stressful day I've had at work for years. I started at 8am and left work at 6.30pm and I haven't stopped for a drink or lunch. To make it worse my train was cancelled so I had to get the next one, I got home at 8pm.

One of projects is being commissioned over Christmas and the documents I have had to produce is unbelievable. I then had a peer review of the job which should of started at 4pm but didn't start until 5pm because the previous project had over run.

I'm seriously considering looking for a new job with in the company as I'm constantly fed up with the lack of support I receive from senior management and supporting functions. I think today has made me more determined to start looking for a new job.

To cheer me up I went to the chippie and had mixed kebab and chips with curry sauce all washed down with a glass of wine

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