A confused genius

By Lez11

Thailand here I come

My mate at work did propose to to his girlfriend whilst in India and they are planning to get married in jan 2013 in Thailand. Think I'm going clear my diary for jan 2013, Thailand here I come.

Had a stressfull and frustrating day at work, I just wish people would give you the hard facts before you spend 4 hours trying to find out what happened when nothing actually happened. In the words of great alan partridge, "Some people"

Just bought the whole detectives series on DVD, (jasper carrot and Robert power). I started watching them and i forgot how funny the detectives was and still is. jasper carrot was probably the comedian who got me loving comedy when I was a kid as I used to listen to all his tapes and watch all his stand up shows, 24 carrot gold being one of them. A few years ago one of my projects put a telecoms mast up on the railway at the bottom of jasper carrots garden in brum. To be fair, the bottom of jasper carrots garden was probably 2 kilometres from his house but that didn't stop him taking a petition with Claire short to parliament in protest to the mast. I still have the news paper article. I was tempted to try and get on golden balls so he asks me what i do for a living i could say it was me who put the mast up at the bottom of your garden. Jasper still makes me laugh though.

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