
We're at Granny and Grandpa's today, the eldest thinks it is great, we're here for a sleep over for 2 nights! I think it's great as it's two nights of company and not cooking. 

After a stunningly beautiful morning (at home) weather wise, we headed to Stamford and almost as soon as we got there it absolutely pitched it down. We decided to brave it as children sometimes just need to get out for some fresh air, so headed out to Rutland Water.  Amazingly, we pretty much stayed dry and the boys had a lovely time running about and jumping into puddles. 

The eldest and I are off to London tomorrow.  At 10pm this evening, the youngest was very sick in his bed.  Desperately hoping he isn't sick again as we'll have to call the trip to London off.  I think I should be more sympathetic about the youngest being sick. 

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