Remembrance Sunday

For many years, I've been to St. Paul's for the Remembrance service (followed by a rather good lunch) with a group of friends.  We still do it, but with children... or some of bring them, some don't - and some will sometimes bring them.  It's a most lovely occasion.  I was 'flying solo' with the boys today.  We had a couple of moments of exclamation at inappropriate times, but for the most part they were amazingly well behaved - to the point of having someone come up to to me and congratulate me / them.  

I took the picture as we walked to St. Paul's this morning - it is a rather nice bar in the City, I remember going there a good few years ago for a drink and being utterly gob-smacked at the price of my glass of wine... it's very much aimed at the City 'gang'.  The walk to the Cathedral was probably one of my favourite parts of the day.  Although the boys were a little upset that we weren't going on the 'underneath' train, as they call it (I love that new name for it!) 

Lunch was pretty darn good, as ever, and the husband came to meet us when he was finished with his day in London.  

As always, a very good 'RemSun' as we call it. 

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