Time for a New Camera?

Ummm, probably not.

But it was fun seeing ourselves on the big screen (even bigger here) above the supercharged Wear it. Mount it. Love it. GoPro HD Hero 2 display at Costco today.

And I'm sure you're grateful that the first photo I took there is not today's Blip, although it does raise an interesting question -- do fish have loins?

(Thanks for all the stars for yesterday's image! I've gone back to that entry and modified the title and the text spacing, as I don't think it was entirely clear that I photographed a trio of Deceptive Appearances, totally unrelated to each other, on that date.

The featured Blip photo was a macro shot of frost crystals on a fern/bracken frond, handheld, taken while leaning over the subject in our back yard/garden, holding my breath, and hoping it worked. That was the best one out of 10 shots.)

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