From the dark corner.....

By Rozwood1970

A Post Card from America!

Yes I know! Two cards in two weeks! This was especially useful today as yet again I had no idea what to do for my blip. It's often a problem when I'm working from home and the weather is so awful, I don't fancy wandering out.

The roofers were on top of the bay window on the house opposite again but I blipped them a few weeks ago. The one chap was wearing exactly the same clothes as last time so I thought I'd stop ogling and leave them alone.

It was a pretty good work day; one of those rare days where I felt like I'd got somewhere when I could log off with a sigh of relief as I shut the laptop down. Just as I was finishing off, I saw one of the footballing monsters from next door stick something through my letter box. Seriously, I've spent most of the summer chucking balls back over the fence from next door. My aim and strength of throw is pathetic and most of them would bounce off the top of the shed and end up well... anywhere! Anyway, as I discovered later, it was the post card from DavzoBroon and his family! The postie must have stuck it in the wrong door this morning. I love post cards!

The photo next to it is of Glen Cottages by Roslin Castle (just outside Edinburgh). The cottages don't exist anymore but it seemed appropriate to show that as DavzoBroon's mother was born in the cottage on the end. I was lucky enough to be taken there to the site during my recent trip to Edinburgh. Wine glass at the end? Well, why not! Tuesday is River City day (my favourite soap set in Glasgow) and celebrating the end of Tuesday is no bad thing as it's another day closer to the weekend.

Track? I think it's quite right for a post card from America!

Letter from America - The Proclaimers

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