From the dark corner.....

By Rozwood1970

Heavenly Scent?

I was back in the office today. I tend to use days in the office just for doing admin type stuff or asking for advice on those days when I do go in. Well, you can't do any serious development work as it's too noisy.

We had lunch in McDonalds (I'm ashamed to say!) and then I ate a bag of Jelly Babies on the way back to my desk. There is nothing like healthy eating, is there? That kept me going through a few more help desk calls for the remainder of the afternoon before I went for my bus home at 3.15.

I avoided all the Christmas trees and Santa's Grotto in Touchwood although I was seriously tempted by the fed up looking Santa's helper jumping up and down pretending to look enthusiastic. She spotted me starting to laugh so I thought I'd leave it until Wednesday!

This huge advert caught my eye on the front of John Lewis while I was waiting for my bus to see how many more millions could be squashed in before the driver chugged away. Is it Brad Pitt? The picture I mean, not the bus driver.

I used to wear Coco Chanel years ago but tend to use Opium these days. Yeah, yeah I know. It explains a lot.

Track? I heard this on the radio the other day. It took me back a few years. Heavenly Scent to Sleeping Satellites - not very related but I like it!

Sleeping Satellite by Tasmin Archer

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