Mt. St. Helena

If the photo of Mt. St. Helena looks a bit washed out, there is a reason for it. The clocks went back an hour at 2am and we completely forgot about it, so we arrived at the Laguna de Santa Rosa before the sun was properly out. The Laguna is a large wetland area between Santa Rosa and Sebastopol and a favorite of ours. At some times of year, portions of it are under water, but today the main attractions were dried grasses, little 'groves' of fennel seedheads silhouetted against the sky, wild rosebushes covered in bright red rose hips, shiny brown buckeyes bursting out of their green coats and an unimpeded view across vineyards and meadows to the rugged contours of Mount St. Helena in Napa County. We often see hot air balloons rising on the still morning air, but there were none this morning. 

I felt that we must have presented something of a spectacle shuffling and shambling along with our various infirmities, but we were fortunate that there were few people about at such an early hour. 

I'm happy to say that OilMan's neck is quite a bit better today, so I no longer have to contemplate ways to put him out of his misery. I bought myself a bag of yarn to knit a 'throw' for the chilly nights. That should keep me busy until the painful hole in my leg heals. I hope that happens quickly before the rest of me falls apart from sitting so much with my leg up.

There was a surfeit of tomatoes and peppers at the Farmers' Market when we got there. One farmer told us that he expected to have tomatoes until Christmas this year because it is so warm. That certainly gives new meaning to the Thanksgiving menu....We bought a big cauliflower which we thought we'd roast for dinner, but we got a better offer from Dana and Jim, so we'll be going over there.

Now as I write this, the light is failing and it isn't even five o'clock yet. I really don't like this time changing....

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