Welcome To The Abyss........

That is the weather.
I woke at 5am with rain battering into the pond.
When PD arrived and we went out for a walk it was foggy.
It was also icy under foot in places.
There was a watery sun
Not to mention blue skies ….. while there was rain falling.

Other pictures of the walk start here

It was breakfast with The Macs and Chicken Lady's mother and brother this morning.
When we left the house my question was "In what universe does a Smart car need to take up what would be 4 parking spaces in a car park?.
Since they brought in monthly quotas for passing the driving test standards have definitely gone downhill.

I am being taken out by Bags tonight to the cinema. I know what she wants us to see ……. but we shall find out what is available when we get there.

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