Pumpkin Night...Oh Yes...It's Pumpkin Night

My afternoon job was to make supper (a chicken casserole), and to get the "guts" out of the large pumpkins. Nothing quite like sticking your hands into the viscid, mucky, sludgy, gooey, disgusting, vile pile of slimy seeds. I even tried to roast the seeds, but my "just 5 more minutes" burned them.

From left to right, the pumpkins were created by Merrick, Merrick, Doug, Lisa, and me. (Karen gave hers up to Merrick.)

My pumpkin skills are going the way of the pumpkin guts...straight to the garbage. Last year, my owl turned into a koala bear, and this year my witch turned into a warthog. The only thing I liked was the stringy hair.

In full disclosure, I couldn't find a tripod, so I photo-shopped myself into the picture. Don't look too close...either at the pumpkin, or the photo-shop job.

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