Scenes From a Birthday Party

Picture...if you can...eleven 7 and 8 year old boys in a 30 foot trailer filled with 6 TV screens and 250 different video games. Surprisingly enough, it was quite quiet in there.

Picture...if you can...a giant balloon that was almost as big as the birthday boy. Where were those big balloons when I was a kid?

Picture...if you can...blowing out a single candle on a cupcake. Not much breath needed there.

Picture...if you can...trying to get a group shot of 11 boys on a single couch. Virtually impossible.

At one point, all 11 of them rushed up from the basement, and ran by me on the way to Merrick's room. It was a whirlwind of noisy boys...followed by a barking cocker spaniel named Charlie.

Yikes! The noise! Like Merrick showing his 8 years...sometimes I feel EVERY one of my 65 years.

Eight years of watching him grow up has really flown by.

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