How the other half lives

Having had grief (different to yesterday's) about putting up a fairly average passport (mugshot) picture of Tricia a few weeks ago, today I redress the balance with a proud mum wedding dress shopping with H in some exotic London venue. With Tricia having joined the Brexit march last Saturday though, perhaps the mugshot might still have been useful...
It seems that each shop insists on a glass of something so it can't be too bad a job. I, however, was up at 7:00 am preparing breakfast for our guests before braving the weather to go birding.
I met up with another birder Brian and managed to show off Ruadh's skills at finding Jack Snipe, a species you can almost stand on before they fly away.That was the positive side. On a less positive note, I also managed to show off Ruadh disappearing into the distance.

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