If only I was thirty (perhaps forty) years younger

Kite surfing is something I wold love to try. Sadly I fear arthritic knees (plus other things like the cold sea) probably now preclude such fun activities. Certainly tihs bloke on Baleshare today seemed to be enjoying himself.,
I did have a decent day managing to catch up with an American Golden Plover, my third American wader of the month.
Airbnb guests tonight, an American couple who were hiking the Hebridean Way and have certainly been tested by the weather. They seemed undeterred so far....
Having had grief from Tricia about the boat, today was the first decent high tide for a fortnight and I tried to get the boat afloat again. As I mentioned a couple  of days ago, in the last high tides and strong winds, one of the mooring ropes had broken and the boat had ended up higher on the shore, away from the water most of the time. Fortuitously it chose a nice shingled area to ground.
After initial resistance in the 6:30 pm gloom, I did manage to refloat it and then realised I was going to have to adjust all the mooring ropes too. This involved paddling around in the sea up to my waist for twenty minutes. Perhaps kite surfing wouldn't be so bad....
Not the greatest end to the day but job accomplished.

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