Diary of an Edinburgher

By LadyMarchmont

Find the bus fun!

This morning, while watching TV with breakfast in my nightwear (as per usual on a Sunday) I noticed a lot of seagulls swooping around outside. We used to have armies flocks of 'em, marauding around, when the local inhabitants insisted on putting their plastic bags of rubbish out any old day to then be ripped asundered and scattered far and wide by gulls and foxes. But now, with the advent of the very unlovely big black bins, the seagulls have gone elsewhere.

Being quite nosy, I went to have a look. Yes. I pile of rubbish at the top of the road, possibly a dropped plastic bag. I got my camera, pulled up a chair, opened the window (brrrr) and snapped away, using my telephoto lens, mostly fruitlessly, as it was rather dull.

JR came into the lounge.

'What are you doing? You look like a pervert!'

I was finished anyway.

Off into town to see the John Bellany exhibition. It was great. It showed the development of his paintings throughout his life, with all the dramas and health problems. He began using a lighter palette after a visit to Australia. He had a battle with alcohol, but was lucky enough to have had a liver replaced and had a new lease of life. It's a wonderful exhibition.

By the time we came out, it was still dreich, though not raining. I took a wander through the Gardens on the other side, untouched by the Christmas Festivities, although lights are put on all the trees.

I chose this shot of the castle, with no pesky pigeon in front, just a few twigs. This is the famous 'plastic bag' tree, although not a particularly good bad example of one, as it's only a wee bit of plastic. There are some that are covered, and a very depressing sight they are too.

There was a wee drookit squirrel who didn't come near me. *Note to self: Always carry monkey nuts.*

I then played the game of 'Find the bus stop'. This is even more fun frustrating on Sundays when only half the possible buses are 'timetabled'. One of my buses had moved from the stop I got it last time, but the other one duly arrived.

As I got on, the bus driver said 'This changes to a 47 at Tolcross.'


'Don't ask me. But it does.'

So my infrequent bus today took a completely different route to a completely different destination. Why? Don't ask me.

I stomped off to find the other possibility. It was a temporary stop by a big puddle. The bus eventually came, but I saw it stopping just before the roundabout and letting people off. Was that the stop? I waved frantically as it came nearer, and thankfully it pulled in.

The bus driver said, 'Thanks for signalling. I didn't know where the new bus stop was.'

'Join the rest of us' I didn't say.

And I didn't mention the rugby...

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