Diary of an Edinburgher

By LadyMarchmont

Expensive lunch

Rang round a few glaziers to get quotes for double glazing this morning. Suddenly found it funny that I was actually ringing ‘Penicuik Glass’ - they’ve been cold calling me for years, as I told them, so really, that should preclude me from ringing them… And anyway, they only replace windows with PVC, which is not what we want.

In the middle of the night I suddenly thought about the safari we’re going on. I know nothing about it, although I think we checked it out at the time online. Forgot the company, and the brief schedule from the travel agents just lists ‘Tour’...

Suddenly panicked and wondered if all was in order, are they expecting us, would they pick us up at the airport... Our pal in Africa, Maree, has suggested we put everything in plastic bags inside the suitcase - good tip. But I can’t put JR in a plastic bag, and she doesn't like dust… it’s the wet season when we’re there, so maybe not too bad.

Maree has booked us all into a posh hotel at the beach over New Year, all inclusive. Whoopee!

So I popped in to the travel agent, and after I’d requested that the muzak was turned off so that I could think (they were very obliging) they assured me that the tour organisers were expecting us and an itinerary will be arriving soon. Phew.

Wandered on into town - the weather is glorious again - how long can this last? The Christmas market was quite busy. The smells of mulled wine and fried onions wafted around, but after last night’s very hot curry, after which I had to have ‘hot chips’ to calm my mouth down, I gave them all a miss. No, I had a very expensive lunch planned at home.

The wee railway that rattles round the ‘Christmas Tree Maze’ down on the bottom level looks a bit underwhelming. The whole thing looks as if it’s been designed by Primary 4 kids. No - they’d have designed something better! AND it costs £4 each for child and adult. And another £4 to see Santa. Bit of a rip off, really.

When I came home I had some very expensive toast with my Big Pink Pill. I’m going to have to eat toast morning noon and night every day for the rest of my life to get my money’s worth from this new toaster. Ridiculous.

This statue is Adam Black, apparently. An illustrious Lord Provost of Edinburgh in days of yore. I’m sure he'd be turning in his grave if he saw these things whizzing so close to his (seagull poo splattered) heid. But they are a nice red. And the sky was a nice blue. Blip.

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