Diary of an Edinburgher

By LadyMarchmont

Henry the Heron

I went down to the Water of Leith this morning to continue doing a bit of the Walkway. I'll eventually have done the whole lot. This is my (teensy) version of the Camino de Santiago walkway (about 1000kms, depending which route). A friend has been doing bits of the Pilgrimage for a couple of decades. What an accomplishment! I may complete the Water of Leith walkway in another decade...

With all the poor folk being flooded around the country, I had a look at the flood prevention work along the river. It's major work, and not nearly finished. I'm sure the folk nearby wish they'd hurry up.

I was walking through leafy dell, and clamboured down to the riverside (although still behind a fence) and tried a few long exposures of the raging torrent. It was very quiet on this bit of the walkway, and I had only passed one man with his two big boisterous dogs going the other way. There have been a couple of muggings in the Meadows (at night) and I was aware that there was nobody around. Then a young man, wearing a hoodie and track suit bottoms ambled by on the pathway, a wee bit away from me. See how what he was wearing immediately made me slightly anxious...

He probably didn't even see me, deep in thought he was. He was probably a very nice young man. In fact, he might have been one of the Scotland rugby team, reflecting on his future...

I kept my eye on him till he'd gone, then focussed back on the torrent. Suddenly there were running footsteps and heavy gasping right behind me! Honestly - I nearly jumped out of my skin!! It was the two big boisterous dogs on the way back coming to check me out...

I spotted a heron, who took off and went further along the river. He was just at the bridge. I stood on the bridge for ages and ages, waiting for him to DO something. He just stared into the water. Or maybe at his reflection. I knew that as soon as I left, he'd flap away nicely, legs dangling.

'Yoo hoo! Henry! Henry Heron!'

I tried to attract his attention at least.

'Henry, hurry up and DO something!'

I was beginning to lose patience. It reminded me of Percy the Pelican stalking, only not as warm. People walking over the bridge stopped to see who I was looking and shouting at/to.

I gave up and went away.

Henry probably did a double flip.

I'm pleased to report that I then went swimming. I did 35 minutes, but timing it is no good. I spent several of those minutes by the bit where the slightly warmer water came out at the shallow end. I need to count lengths. I don't feel I improved any. But at least I went.

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