Beautiful day

What a lovely, lovely day.

I slept on the sofa with Ruby on the floor next to me. She slept until 4am when she got a little restless. I let her out in the garden, after coaxing her to go down a couple of small steps. She was restless for about an hour or so before she settled down and we grabbed another couple of hours sleep.

Then it was breakfast ....and tablet time. Oh my what a fiasco...the little monkey! I tried it in her food but she avoided the tablets. Next I tried hiding them in a piece of bread...out popped the tablets grrrrrr! How about in between Schmakos (dog treats) with me holding her mouth and rubbing her throat.... they still popped out the side of her mouth. I managed with a bit of a tussle to get them down. This afternoon I tried a different tactic, coating them in honey scooping up all of them to put in the back of her throat and holding her mouth. Guess what....yep they still came out. Between Sim and I we managed to get them down eventually. I’m glad Mr C is home tonight, he can do it tomorrow ;-D))

In herself she has been walking around a bit more but is still uncomfortable. She perked up briefly when Mr C came home bearing gifts from Discover Dogs.

As for me, I popped to Asda but have felt pretty pooped today.

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