
And oranges.

I’ve got a couple of things planned for the next few days but nothing particularly for today.

After breakfast, whilst we and dad went back to our rooms to sort ourselves out for the day, mum went for a little stroll. Luckily she didn’t get lost :-D)) but she did discover Setas de Sevilla nearby, a huge wooden structure known as The Mushrooms. There is an indoor food market and you can walk over the mushrooms for views over the city (extras).

Whilst having a drink at the top of the mushrooms I looked in the travel book I had bought mum and saw there was a little palace close by. So off we trotted and enjoyed looking around this 15th c house and gardens (extras).

Before we left I read on t’internet that if you want to avoid queues to the cathedral then visit El Salvador church nearby and buy a combo ticket. Off to the church we went and, my goodness what a church it was. Full of baroque style features and architecture.

A little rest before going out for dinner.

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