A day of waiting

Up and out early to get to the bank to (rob) transfer funds to pay vets bills. While at the bank the vet rang to say how Ruby was. She was ok, had eaten but, understandably, was in discomfort and they had given her some more pain relief. He would ring later in the afternoon to see about her coming home.
Back home I hoovered, washed, cleaned floors etc and Sim came home a bit earlier than planned so he could come with me to pick her up. By 5 I hadn’t heard so I rang but there was an emergency (not with Ruby) so could the vet call back. He did a while later and providing somebody would be home with her, she could be discharged. Sim and I made our way there and after a while waiting and three lots of medication we were able to bring her home.
Once home she stood for most of the evening as she was to uncomfortable to sit/lay. She eventually found a way of sitting and gently sliding down into a sort of laying position and of course she has a cone on which doesn’t help with the comfortableness. I’m planning on snoozing on the sofa with her so she doesn’t try and get upstairs (her usual bedtime place).

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