
By Legacy


I'm not sure what it is about setting out with a camera and the intent to find something to blip, coming home with close to 200 shots of various things and settling on this one of an ordinary seagull except that it just epitomized the day so well. The weather, unlike yesterday, was beautiful - clear and crisp. The puffy white clouds I love so much danced around the sky all day, there was only need for a light jacket, and everyone I encountered seemed happily anticipating the holidays.

I did a little shopping but stayed in the small one-of-a-kind shops that are unique to our area, a much happier experience than braving the mall. I even bought myself a Christmas present (well, I had to have some excuse to buy it, even a bad one). Unless something bigger and better comes along, which is entirely possible, I'll blip "it/him" tomorrow. So, stand by -- if you're looking for a laugh this might be the place to find it.

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