Between fen and mountains

By Tickytocky


It has rained all day and I have not even been out of the front door.  The two deputy mayors came round to the house so that I could sort out their travel arrangements.  Neither them seem capable of using the internet.  It made me realise that lack of IT skills will soon be a sort of functional illiteracy.  I also wrote to the Maire about the proposed Fête des Cloches to elicit his support for the publicity and the preparations. Later I did some admin sorting out insurance renewals.  I find it a bit irritating that I have to play the game of challenging the price quoted each time.  A few weeks ago I challenged a car insurance quote and got £150 off it and today I got the home insurance reduced by £80.  I wish they would just give the fair price in the first place and save me the bother!  Meanwhile Mrs TT made some baklava to take to friends who have invited us for a meal.

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