Afternoon light

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What a difference a day makes!
The wind and rain departed overnight and it was cooler and still in the morning so we thought the boat would be running to take us across Ullswater to the start of the day's run. Disappointingly for the 4th year in a row it was not to be - this time because the lake level had risen over a metre and the pier at Howtown was under water!
So, the emergency route from last year with a rougher and longer diversion as a long section of farm road was under water. There were advantages, I knew the route and because they had only one run instead of a challenge and a race, I knew I would be far from the back.
It was still very wet underfoot but the sun came out part way round and gave beautiful views across the lake and flooded fields.
The main pic was taken at the end of the run. the extras beforehand, 1 of the steamer we should have been on and the other of a runners (of the shorter race) paddling out to a bench, one further along was almost submerged. 
All a bit different from yesterday

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