The rest of forever...

By DrMac

Funny old day...

Morning walk in the pitch black dodging puddles and blown down tree branches. Kennel out of action so dogs in the sun room all day. No complaints- it's warm in there!

Gym. Good. Hard but good.

Two million takeover day. My job was taken over by a sixteen year old student. Funny funny. Think he will be knackered tonight!

Frantic day but hugely productive. Worked a bit later than planned to clear the desk but was out the office by half five which is miraculous for me!

Home to the hounds. Let them loose on the field and they chased a hare into the darkness...and as they did, a massive, massive firework display started across the Trent and absolutely scared the shit out of them! They thought they were chasing explosive hares! They came back pretty promptly but it didn't stop them going after two more. Couldn't be bothered to tell them off, too tired!

Tea. Now reading a book about body language. Very interesting! Having. Beautiful glass of red wine- that posh Faustino Tempranillo. Mmmmm. Bed by nine, busy day planned tomorrow and I need beauty sleep. Turning in to an ugly old quack! ;0) xx

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