
Ben felt that pants and a teeshirt around his neck was sufficient clothing for most of today. To be fair this morning it was lovely and sunny and our front room was beautifully warm! Charley has had a good day today, wandering around with various things knocking them gently together, playing with cars and the rescue station. Ben has been a leopard today. I think. Or maybe a dinosaur. I'm not quite sure, things tend to get melded quite a lot in his imagination...

The boys went out on a post office run for me after breakfast while I tried to calm down about a imminent dentist appointment. Charley fell asleep as they walked out the door and had a LONG sleep - and was not ready for bed by 8.30pm as a result! But he's been happy, he was quite chipper when I got home, and was completely unfazed when I went out again this evening for band practise.

I was very brave at the dentist by the way. Two fillings, no sedation, only cried once. The stress is the worst part. Too many bad dental experiences in the past make for sky-high stress levels. Hopefully I can start to deal with that.

And this evening after band practise we had a quick changeover and I put the boys to bed while Steve went out to smallgroup. Except the boys did not want to go to bed. And ended up going to sleep on the sofa... Charley played fetch with a piece of tissue while Ben fell asleep, that was fun. And once they were finally asleep I finished off the prep for tomorrow night's craft stall, and Steve helped by fighting with Word for me to get some labels printed.

And it's so late again!! I'm almost used to the boys going to bed early and having a long evening that when they go to bed late I end up going to bed ridiculously late because I don't realise the time.

Grandparents arrive tomorrow - one set is staying with us and so far there is no bed for them. Eek. Steve will be mostly holed up in the office tidying up for them tomorrow!!

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