Drummer Boy

It's all a matter of perspective really isn't it.

I sat at the table thinking how depressing the weather was, how dark it was, no natural light, no chance for a decent (or even half decent) blip today, and then Ben starts drumming away as usual but in actually a pretty decent position for a long shutter speed playabout with the camera! Captures the frenzy of his drumming sessions pretty well!


It has been a frustrating morning though. Ben, although he was looking forward to seeing Hayley, didn't want to be away from me. Hayley says he's been a bit quiet this morning. I'm not sure why, I wonder if he's tired, or still adjusting to being in his own room half the night, or what. No idea. Anyway I had to go to a midwife appointment and Ben and Hayley went off to tots.

I got a few jobs done - dropped my prescription off at the surgery so I won't run out of needles while I'm in hospital, posted a letter, and was half an hour early to the midwife appointment! So much for a nice quiet sit down while I waited - the Children and Family Centre was absolutely buzzing this morning. I don't think I've ever seen it anything less than deserted before so it took me a bit by surprise! Full of toddlers alternately playing nicely and then wailing because they were being admonished for not sharing. (That is a potential rant that can stay zipped well behind my lips I think.)

Finally saw the midwife to be told that - surprise! - she isn't allowed to do a sweep on anyone before 40weeks. Period. A dictat from On High. Sigh. So there really is very very little point in diabetics seeing the community midwife really, apart from to talk over feelings generally. They seem utterly powerless if you are under consultant care. Anyhow she had a listen in to baby, measured me, did my obs (good blood pressure as always and for a change there was less sugar in my wee than normal!), and then phoned the hospital to see what they suggested re doing the sweep.

Ended up being sent to antenatal triage, having been told that before 40 weeks if a sweep is recommended then it has to be the consultant or registrar who performs it.

Got my town jobs done on the way to the hospital - picked up a parcel for Ben (thankyou naughty Gran! He loves the mug and demolished the chocolate and he can wear the tabard next time we're baking!!), went to the Parking Shop to sort out our residents' permit only to realise I should have brought the car logbook as well as proof of address. Sigh. Wasted journey there then!

Glad I got the town jobs done first though, as when I got to antenatal triage the midwife rolled her eyes, did the sweep, updated my notes, and sent me home! I do wonder who is right about who is allowed to do what. Am more than a little bit achy now.

Steve came home during his lunch break to pick Ben up from Hayley's and then me up from the hospital and then head straight back to work - bless him.

He and I are frustrated though - of all the people supposedly looking after me, and for what it's worth every one of them is trying to do their job as best they can and I can't fault what they are doing, Steve and I are the only ones who know the full story surrounding my diabetic history and previous birth experience. Trying to find a healthcare professional who is even able to access all of that information is almost impossible. My new surgery still doesn't have all my notes, which is worrying given that I'm a pregnant diabetic. I've had to phone round to get the new surgery to accept what medication I'm on before they would prescribe any for me. Every new person I talk to has to be given a run-down on my diabetic history because they either can't access my files or don't bother reading my notes.

Is all rather frustrating.

Anyway the day has improved with a waitrose lunch (I do like that they are situated on the way to the hospital!) and some yummy naughty chocolates which I have been very restrained about and saved some for Steve, even if my blood sugar did crash between triage and home from 6.9 (perfect) to 2.5 (very bad) without ANY warning whatsoever. I take my opportunities when I can though and gorged myself on a fruit smoothie and a couple of tangerines (serious cravings!) to get my sugars back up.

The day is improving again - Ben has just been watching the Adventures of Bottle Top Bill (and his Best Friend Corky) and he has taken me on a trip to Junkosaur Island in our speedboat to deliver some junk to the Junkosaurs! Got to love his imagination. Last night we were driving our car in bed, I was the car, and the backseat passenger, and his seatbelt, while he was the driver. We went all sorts of places!

PLEASE let the wallpaper get hung this evening.......

Last night Steve ended up cutting holes in the walls to get to the outside walls to be able to put decent fixings in to hold the radiator up, but first he had to get 3 layers of painted wallpaper off from behind where the radiator was.



And then stripping paint from round the window and along the top of the skirting board so we don't end up burning the paper when we do get round to sorting out the paintwork. And then burning his hand. :0( Poor Steve. At least one wall is ready for papering though.

Was feeling utterly demoralised last night, but I am assured the paper will get hung this evening (unless contractions start of course)! It's never going to be a win-win situation really, the battle between the nesting instinct which seems to have kicked in about 3 months too late and the need for this baby to come out! I really hope that the paper does get hung before baby arrives, so we can have a clean and tidy bedroom to sleep in....

Gosh. That's a long entry.

Even for me.

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