Smiley shiney

Here is Charley, sporting his latest accessory: a massive purple bruise. He discovered last night that he can climb up onto the sofa all by himself. I had hoped that he might have forgotten this discovery by the morning but no, he hadn't. He makes a beeline for the trackerball that controls the computer/tv, and if he can't get to it (because I'm sitting in the way) he practises flying.

He's not very good at flying, as the bruise testifies. This one wasn't actually from flight practise, it was him looking over the arm of the sofa, trying to stand up, losing balance and toppling over the edge and as fast as I could move I just wasn't fast enough to catch him. I caught three other attempts at flying though. Just not that first one.

Hey ho.

He's not learnt though. Either that or he's just more determined than ever to get better at jumping around the sofa. Here he is in action.

Took him out for a sleepwalk in the wind and drizzle today to buy ribbon and pay parking fines and get parking permits and this and that and the other and nearly got blown away a few times, but it was nice to be outdoors. Didn't make it to Little Fishes this morning. We are all knackered! This afternoon I had my last physio appointment and have been signed off on the shoulder front, apart from the lack of pain in my shoulders the best thing about this course of physio is the fact that I can actually balance now. I am SO proud of that!! Need to go and get a separate referral for my knee which is showing no improvement despite the exercises the fitness rehab coach has been getting me to do for my legs.

And then Steve broke his website after figuring something exciting out (if you load the main website on your mobile it notices if you're on a mobile and automatically switches to the mobile site! He's a clever clogs is my Stephen!) and had to spend the rest of the day fixing it while battling a head/face ache. But it's fixed now which is a relief. And then I had a mild panic when I realised the photo paper I'd bought was laser paper not inkjet but it seems to be ok! *phew*

Boys asleep in bed, parcel parcelled up, prints printed, pulla baked (oh yeah the pulla, after trying to make pulla all evening in between retrieving Charley from the sofa I eventually discovered I didn't have enough flour (how could I not have enough flour?!) and had to make my third trip to tesco in one day. Useless) and it's gone midnight because the boys didn't go to bed until stupidly late having had afternoon naps the both of them after dropping me off at the hospital for physio.

Hey ho!

Tomorrow doesn't even bear thinking about. Dentist. Filling. No sedation. It's not good that I was feeling sick just thinking about it earlier.

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