
Talk about 'Dumbing Down'
This was on an industrial drain cleaning vehicle.
No - it wasn't foreign … was British 
But who in God's name thought this was a good way of doing the signwriting?
It would put me off using them as being incompetent rather than hiring them for their quirkiness.

I was out for dinner with three women - Mrs Mac and two lapsed members of the old camera club. 
Cheap food (we are sure they forgot to put something on the bill but couldn't work out what) - but very tasty and decent sized portions well presented ……… Excellent company...….. if not the quiestest place but at least there were no actual fights breaking out.

The only other picture I took is in the extras box.
I do love that 85mm f1.4 lens - even if it is manual.....not bad for a freebie.

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