The Winds of Change

Given the title...I'm not going to do some sort of philosophical write-up, but maybe just a little rant.

I mixed up my dough yesterday, wanting to make my apple pies today. A trip to the apple orchard was my 1st stop.

WHEN DID THE PRICE OF APPLES GO UP? I saw the price, and my jaw dropped like it was full of apple butter. It was going to cost me about $21.50 for 3-4 pies.

My pies aren't that good...not worth spending the dollars. I know that our apple orchards have had a very rough year...but...$21.50??? Plus...there were no Northern Spys this favorite baking apple.

I went to Walmart, and spent about 11 bucks. LET THE BAKING BEGIN!!!!

As long as I was at the orchard, I visited their little children's farm zoo. I decided on the spot to serve goat tomorrow on Thanksgiving...instead of turkey.

I haven't been able to look at a goat since I watched the movie Cold Mountain. If you saw the get it. If you didn't see it...let this be your warning.

I asked a local farmer what goat tasted like. He said..."It tastes sorta like spoiled chicken." Close enough. I looked around for employees...jumped the fence...and climbed up the 10 foot ramp. People feed the goat up there by using a small bowl attached to a crane.

I was 15 feet away when he turned and faced me. He had no place else to go. I thought he would come peacefully. Instead...he rushed me...lowered his head...and head butted me off the platform. WHEWWWWW!!!

Good thing I'm still as quick as a cat. I landed on my feet, and ran off before he got his cousins after me.

Turkey it will be...along with some pricey no-good apple pies.

I was proud of myself for the windmill shot. Using a long was hand held at 1/10 of a second. I like how the blades are a-spinning.

Head butt it into LARGE for a closer look at the adorable animals.

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