outside looking in

Recently we have tried to kill two birds with one stone. Like many people, we get random calls from companies looking to sell our 'lead' to companies who want our business, for some reason I am frankly unaware of. Recently one man getting similar calls, actually fought back and his story can be read here.

So we also get unsolicited calls, from people who are polite but rarely take no for an answer. The calls do not overly stress me out, people are doing a job after all. We however happen to have someone in our house who would be very happy to speak to anyone on the phone. His name is numberoneson. So now when we get a call that comes in and there is a 'connection silence' while the call is routed to #next_available_agent we pass the phone to numberoneson.

In so doing, we politely say we are not interested, the person wishing to speak to us doesn't have to speak to someone trying to wriggle out of the conversation and the numberoneson gets to practise his phone etiquette. It is a win win win situation. So the answer is have a young child to field those difficult calls. I think I might capture the moment next time.


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