Face to Face

I'm all talked out.
Blipper Croftcrafts from Tarbet visited Edinburgh today and we met for coffee in the cafe at the Dovecot before repairing to the Dower House for a bowl of soup at lunch time.

For four hours we blethered and blethered and blethered some more. We talked about family, we talked about blipping, we talked about crafts, we talked about lambing, we talked about Orkney and we talked about family trees. If husbands were mentioned, they were described in suitably glowing terms.

Had I not had to do a spot of shopping for tonight's soiree, we might still have been talking; so many common threads and connections and all the more amazing that had it not been for Blipfoto we would never have known the other existed.
Thank you Cc for an entertaining day and hope you negotiated the West End and tram line laying to find what you wanted.

So now with the wanderer returned all aglow from the hills, I have iced the cake for tonight and am turning my mind to hostess mode.
What a sociable day I'm having.

This blip is of the rug commissioned by Panel, designed by John Byrne and executed by the Dovecot Tapestry Studios. It depicts John Byrne as a young man and as he is now.
It costs £6500. Had I the money, I would buy it in an instant.

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