Au Revoir!

It was the perfect day for a boat trip, Alan was fine, and actually enjoyed the crossing. It was really warm so we sat on the top deck for a couple of hours before going to the restaurant for lunch. While we were on the top deck, a Royal Navy helicopter flew over us and circled round us twice and I managed to get some pretty close up photos of it, one of which is in my extras. This shot is taken as we left Newhaven and as it’s probably the one and only time I’ll see the lighthouse looking so nice, it had to be my Blip.

When we arrived in Dieppe it was 3pm, and it was very warm! Sadly there were no taxis at the terminal so we had to walk to our Hotel which is at the opposite side of town to the port, and there’s no direct route, so we had to walk the wrong way to get to the bridge across the estuary. It took about 40 minutes which dragging cases wasn’t great, but at least we only had cabin bags.

The hotel is great, right on the seafront and the chateau is on the hill overlooking us. We quickly freshened up and then went out to have a look st the kite festival. We didn’t know this was on when we booked and only found out about it a couple of days ago, but it’s huge with competitors from around the world. We actually met two guys on the ferry who are competing, and who have a pink dragon, so tomorrow we’ll go and see if we can find them.

We then had a wander round the town and had a beer near the port before going to find somewhere to eat. When we got back to the hotel, the sun was starting to set so we walked down to the beach where I saw it was also low tide. It was such a contrast to Brighton where loads of photographers would be out taking photos - there was no-one!

We had a lovely dinner, actually at the hotel restaurant which was surprisingly very good!

Anyway, it’s late again so I’ll say goodnight x

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