Learning day by day

By EmmaF

Clearwell Castle

What a beautiful day. Thick, thick frost on the car. Would have loved to have been able to investigate the surrounding area. Seems like there is lots to do. Definately thinking of camping in the Forest of Dean next summer.

After a lovely breakfast we packed up the car, said our goodbye's and thank you's and headed home. William, after a lot of whinging, feel asleep for 90mins. That was our downfall later as he took took over two hours to go to to sleep at bedtime!

When we got home Daddy took W to N&P's for a play while he went for a run. Carys and I stayed at home. She did her Mymaths and played some Cbeebies before we settled down to catch up with Strictly from the night before. I also looked at hotel rooms for a visit to Cardiff in Feb.

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