Learning day by day

By EmmaF

King William

We are all suffering from a bit of tiredness in this house today. Carys and William both had rough nights on Saturday. William then slept for 90mins on the way home, went to bed at normal time on Sunday but didn't got to sleep for 120mins so we really are in negative sleep territory! Carys is still to recover fully from her vomiting epsiode at the wedding, so she slept with Daddy after waking at 10pm last night. Daddy therefore was kicked by the starfish that is Carys when she is asleep, for the second night in a row! I however managed to sleep from 10.30-04.20 in C's bed without any disturbance, so I didn't do too badly out of it.

William and his crown have been virtually inseparable. He got lots of comments at school this morning and had to be wrestled from it to go to pre-school this afternoon! It only seemed right to Blip him in it.

I'm off to a meeting at school tonight. I hope their tiredness means Jim has a quiet evening.

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