Shepherds' huts

A steady climb up from the guesthouse past a vaguely touristy place (where saw 1st extra) to another glacial lake where Mr Rat and one of the women decided to have a swim. (2nd extra) I had a paddle and was almost tempted to go in further - but didn't want to walk in wet clothes!
A bit more climbing to a track which we followed for a while and then gradually down and back into the woods where we saw an enormous anthill. Further down it was more open with various huts and a shepherd (plus dogs and gun) before we crossed a stream onto a tree-lined, muddy lane. This went on for quite a while and the lack of views and increasing heat were a bit wearing. We arrived in the small town of Plav and hoped for icecream but they were out of it. There was also a power cut so no hot water for showers in the hotel, only just lukewarm - but we did have a nice room with a balcony (whose door kept trying to come off!. Fortunately the power came back on in time for our evenng meal.
Thought I'd post a more gentle view today.

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