Meet charlotte

Charlotte doesn't really like dogs. But I am her favourite dog. I am probably the only dog in the whole wide world that Charlotte likes. Yay!

This morning Ann made me trek all the way up to the Leisure Centre. The Leisure Centre is up a hill. Ann said, 'Molly, I'm turning into a big fat slob because you won't go on long walks any more so I need to do something to get in shape. I'm going to join the gym for a month. And you can come with me for your morning walk so that I can check out the prices.

Soooooo.................. we walked to the Leisure Centre (and I was being very 'snail like') and I got tied up outside while Ann checked the prices................... and actually they're very reasonable.

And then we had to walk all the way home. And I was still being 'snail like'. And then I spotted Charlotte walking down the road to work. I LOVE, LOVE, LOVE, Charlotte. I think I love Charlotte because she doesn't really like dogs. But she loves me. Yay!

…...........Obviously today's BLIP had to be of me & Charlotte.

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