Dull and dreary

What a horrible day for Bank Holiday Sunday. It has rained and rained and rained and rained. And Ann has been very, very, very, bored. The only thing that has cheered her up; is getting 25% off 6 bottles of wine in Tesco?!

I went for a play in the field first thing this morning and I got soaked through to my skin. I went for a longer walk at lunchtime, because the rain had stopped. But then it started again and I got soaked through to my skin again. I've just had another little walk to the Spar shop. Well that's hardly the most exciting walk in the world.

My dinner has been out for an hour, but I'm not hungry. All a gorgeous little collie wants to do, on a day like this, is sleep. And all a very lovely owner like Ann, wants to do on a day like this, is have something exciting to do. #notmuchchanceofthat

Oh well, oh hum......................... at least she's got 6 bottles of cheap wine to drink. Lol, lol, lol!!!

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