Toileting habits??!!

OK..................... so this is probably something that my 'Blip followers' don't actually need to know anything about. But as my very lovely owner, Ann, uses Blip as a diary of my life, she thought it worthy of being recorded.

Every evening since Ann adopted me (more than 13 and a half years ago) my bedtime routine is........................ I go out for a wee, I come back in, get groomed, have a dental stick, and then I know it's bedtime. My bedtime routine has never, ever, deviated from this. Even when I'm away from home, my routine is the same.

…..................Last night, for the third time this week, I refused to have a wee before bedtime. I sniffed around in the bushes, I hid in the bushes, Ann had to shine a torch on me to flush me out from the bushes. And then, when I eventually came out, I just ran up the steps and back into the house without having a wee.

Ann said, 'Molly, why are you not having a wee before bed? You're 14 years old. You know the routine.'

Anyway; on previous occasions, Ann has left the sun terrace door open so if I need to relieve myself in the middle of the night, I can do so. …........I never have!   It was cold last night so she said, 'Molly, you are being extremely annoying. Why won't you have a wee? I'm keeping the door shut cos it's freezing so if you want a wee in the middle of the night you'll just have to wait.' Mmmmm..................What kind of question is that? I wasn't having a wee because I didn't want one. I went into the field at about 6.30-7pm-ish last night because Ann was working at 8pm. I relieved myself then, so why on earth would I want to repeat the whole process at 12.30am when Ann came home?????

Today Ann was doing a day time shift so I went for my morning walk at about 7.30am. Ann was sure I would be desperate for the loo; but I wasn't. I walked for at least 10 mins before I decided that having a wee and a poo might be a good idea?????


The last time I saw my very lovely vet, Jonathan, he spoke to Ann about older dogs being incontinent and having constipation?!! Ann told him I didn't have any problems in those areas?!!

Anyway, this morning we walked for about 45 mins. It was fabulous. I was all happy and bouncy.

When Ann came home from work this afternoon, I just went into the field for a little trek around. (And I had a wee and a poo) And now I've gobbled up half of my dinner, but I can't be bothered to eat the other half.

I'm 14 years old. #Ilove sleeping

So what do you think Blippers?................................... Should Ann be worried?

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